create success on a deeper level of being





  • Hypnotherapy is a heightened state of concentration and focused attention. Guided by a trained, certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist, hypnosis allows you to be more open to positive suggestions to making healthful changes in your perceptions, sensations, emotions, memories, thoughts or behaviors.

  • Assess current nutritional status and replenish the vitamins, nutrients, minerals that your body needs to function optimally.

  • Decode your genes to find out where your body needs the most support


— Hypnosis is a powerful technique that can help you be more in control of your mind, thoughts and feelings

— You can use it in many areas of your life

— Enhance sports performance

— Learn to relax and let go

— Helps focus and concentration

— Feel more empowered to achieve your goals… and so much more

— Discover how you can use hypnosis to succeed in life


— A blood test to assess current nutritional status and correct nutrient deficiencies with the most comprehensive test available today

— Vitamins, minerals, omega 3, 6, micro and macro nutrients are the basis of life function and play a vital role on the way our bodies work and the way we feel

— To feel and function at your absolute best possible

— Performed in medical office in Boca Raton, FL


— Determine any genetic predisposition to stress, disease and emotional overwhelm

— Results of genetic testing and decoding guides in making recommendations for the best supplements to improve your symptoms

— Improve function on the level of gene expression

— A saliva test, that can be done at home, with follow up Zoom consultation

supplement recommendations

— To heal the body and mind, and restore balance of neurotransmitters for expedited healing

— As a clinical pharmacist I use my years of experience and knowledge to identify and implement the most effective supplements and address deficiencies on the physical level that affect how you feel

—Recommendations are based on the results of nutritional and genetic testing

guided nutritional support

— Facilitate healing on all levels: body, mind and spirit

— Start eating healing foods and stop harmful foods

— Alleviate symptoms of chronic conditions

— Cleanses that nourish and heal

— Included in hypnosis, nutritional testing and genetic testing

Work with Natalie

  • Hypnosis

    Go into the deepest levels of the mind and rewire to achieve your goals

  • Nutritional Testing

    Assess current nutritional status and replenish the vitamins, nutrients, minerals that your body needs to function optimally.

  • Functional Genetic testing

    Decode your genes to identify where you body functions need the most support.

Change your life for the better

Creating a plan that works for you

Through my customized plan with every individual, I’ll work with you to develop an integrated path to achieve your goals— combining hypnosis as needed with meditation, diet changes, cleanses, supplements and nutritional and genetic testing.